Without sound I don't know what kind of help you will get for this, unless someone wants to make an mp3 of the the pronunciation here. IPA can only sort of get you into the ball-park - this is indeed Old Church Slavonic, a sort of ancestor of modern Russian, and sort of close to Bulgarian. But it is probably Ok to pronounce it as if it were Russian. Something many singers don't get, is the Russian 'L' which bunches up rather a lot of the tongue in the front of the mouth, thus opening a resonant cavern at the back. This sound to me is a gateway to Russian pronunciation as a whole. Another odd thing for your texts is that the 'O' in an unstressed position is somewhere between an 'ah' and an 'uh' sound. 'zh' is like the French 'j' or like the middle consonant of pleasure or leisure. 'Chreva' starts off with a 'ch' as in 'Bach', and there are two letters 'e' in Russian. The most common one sounds like 'yi' as in 'yipee!' Bulgarian pronunciation is a bit simpler, but that's probably not what you're using is it? john
At 09:04 AM 5/31/00 -0700, you wrote: >Ok, I have some choral music here...one piece is in >Russian, the other is in Church Slovanic (I believe). >Nevertheless, it looks a little similar to the >Russian. I had a tape with pronunciations on it for >me to study, but left that tape in my dad's car, and >he doesn't come home until late tomorrow night. I >need to know this music pretty well by Sunday for a >rehearsal, and I do know the notes and rhythms; my >last step was to fit the Russian to the music. The >texts are included below if anyone would be so kind as >to help me with pronunciations. Thanks. (Oh, and my >e-mail doesn't let me type letters with symbols over >them (as in: many international characters), so, if >you have any questions in that regard, just e-mail >me.) > >Veniki: >Veniki, veniki, da veniki-pomeliki, da po pechi >valializia, da s pechi oborvalisia. Kum Gavrila, kum >Gavrila, ya Gavrile govorila. > >Bogoroditse Devo: >Bogoroditse Devo, raduysia, Blagodatnaya Mariye, >Ghospod. s Toboyu. Blagoslovenna Ti v zhenah, i >blagosloven Plod chreva Tvoyego, yako Spasa rodila, >yako Spasa rodila yesi dush nashih. > >Like I said, if there are any questions, let me know. > >===== >Shanna Hollich - Shadow123@p... >Yahoo! Messenger: Shadow123 >AOL IM: RHFoJo >ICQ UIN: 26674614 >NO !D N B- T C~ O++ CV > >__________________________________________________ > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Scrap your search engine. >Inforocket.com is the fast way to the right answer - guaranteed. >http://click.egroups.com/1/4517/5/_/843894/_/959789057/ >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: >vocalist-temporary-unsubscribe@o... > > > > John Blyth Baritono robusto e lirico Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
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