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From:  Scott Drackley <sdrackley@r...>
Scott Drackley <sdrackley@r...>
Date:  Tue Jun 19, 2001  3:24 am
Subject:  Re: [vocalist] Rats, NATS!

Are you permitted to sing religious music for the NATS competitions? While
they are not baroque, some of the early Moravian music might fit your needs.
Most often, they're written in German but occasionally in English. They
remind me very much of the style of Haydn. I often give them to my students
with lighter voices.


promero@w... wrote:
promero@w... wrote:

> My teacher is going to enroll me in the Spring NATS competition.
> The NATS competition requirements state you *have* to have an
> American Composer somewhere in there. What gets me is that you have
> to have this even if your voice is geared more towards Bel Canto or
> the Baroque repertoire. I find that bit incredibly annoying. If I
> were meant to sing John Duke, I would have been born with the voice,
> n'est pas? ...Considering the Italian consonants are ideal for the
> best sound. I don't know about you, but every time I have to sing in
> english or German I have to roll my eyes. Strangely, German isn't
> half as bad as english is... and it's not because I'm a latin speaker
> and don't know the consonants, I have a Cambridge degree in english
> and can pronounce it like a native (with a rather WEIRD english
> accent, but..), but just because...well, the beauty of an open vowel
> *sighs happily* give me italian any day, i'll gladly even take german
> or french :P
> Does anyone else have the same trouble?
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