Vocalist.org archive

From: john schweinfurth
To: VOCALIST <vocalist>
Subject: Re: Effects of CREATINE on the Voice
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 07:31:41 -0700, VOCALIST wrote:

> Hello, Dr. Messmer - This leads me to another question. I must have
> the discussion on weight training. I exercise a great deal and I am now
> using weight machines at our local gym - my P.T. showed me how & which
> Do you see any problems with that? Or is there a place I can go to find
> your previous discussions? Thanks so much. Nora

I believe the point there is that when you strain against a weight, you want
to be constantly exhaling smoothly, not holding your breath, as this
increases the pressure on your vocal cords, increasing your risk of a

John M. Schweinfurth, MD
Laryngology and Professional Voice Care
Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
(615) 322-6180

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