Vocalist.org archive

From:  Domisosing@a...
Date:  Fri Nov 3, 2000  9:41 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] Re: Speech Level Singing

Caio, Marrtii......maarrttii.....(did I get close)
I'm going to let Rocio reply to your specific questions...........but
here is what I have observed from students and myself, when they first try to
apply the book to their voice..........(which when literally done is really
an ineffective way to learn how to sing, the book on the front of your face
just isn't that aesthetically pleasing.........sorry, too much caffeine and
too little sleep, big mid-term this week!)
Most importantly, remember that the stabilizing of the larynx is the end
product of everything else happening. It will not happen if everything else
is not in place and in balance! If you focus on what the extrinsic muscles of
the larynx are doing you will only become frustrated. I remember when I
first got Seth's book, I too focused on my larynx bouncing around and was so
frustrated I threw the book against the wall......
However, you need to focus on what is going on inside,
intrinsically........really focus on the exercise that encourage the
adduction of your cords, and the vowels that encourage that phonatory
position and the larynx will gradually "settle down." Remember, it is
imperative to always be aware of the balance between the air flow and the
coordination of the intrinsic muscles..............too much/little of either
will just throw you off track, or cause you too jam up.Then apply the vowels
to the exercises.....but that's a whole other discussion.
As far as the "larynx" lowering exercises, they are there just to help
you connect. Especially if you are a "belter" who likes to raise your
passagio's much higher than would be healthy............also remembering that
lowering your passagios is also injurious....ALso, trying to sing in a
"lowered" laryngeal position is just as wrong as singing with a raised
onel.........balance, balance, balance.........Better yet, give
Rocio/Randy/Dave/Seth a call and have them listen to what you are doing to
help you out.
Hope this helps,
Mary Beth Felker
SLS instructor, aka.........Crazy woman
