Vocalist.org archive

Date:  Wed Apr 12, 2000  9:23 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] ATTN: All NATS adjudicators

Leslie asked:

>I listened in on some of my
friends auditions and saw the same look on other judges faces! Is this
something they tell them to do so as not to give false hope or something?

Judges are asked to write the most thorough comments possible in a very
short amount of time. Do you think this is easy? When I am judging, I am
usually writing as fast as I can and trying to concentrate both on the singer's
performance and making some sense out of what I am saying! Perhaps those
frowns are simply signs of concentration, rather than anything purposely
negative. Once you have judged a few competitions, you will have a better
understanding. Meanwhile, just go in with your mind made up to entertain
those folks to the best of your ability! Make it your goal to "reach" them
in spite of their concentration.

|\ Dr. Diane M. Clark, Assoc. Prof./Chair of Music Dept., Rhodes College
| 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, 901-843-3782, dclark@r...
() http://gray.music.rhodes.edu/musichtmls/faculty/dclark.html
