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From:  Tak Oda <toda@m...>
Date:  Fri Sep 29, 2000  4:59 pm
Subject:  OFF: Milk - Time to look at the facts

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Cynthia Donnell quoted Jane Brody:
> Type 1 diabetes, as juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes is now called, is
> an autoimmune disease, and there is some evidence that people who develop it
> tend to have high levels of antibodies in their blood to the proteins in
> cows' milk. The risk, if there is a real one, of developing this form of
> diabetes seems to be related to the consumption of unmodified cows' milk in
> infancy by susceptible people.

Just for the record - it seems my assertion that infants can sometimes
develop antibodies to cow milk protein has some credence in the medical
world. Here it is from a health "professional".

So that's two for two - 1) Nestle *is* evil and under sanction from the
World Health Organization, and 2) there are risks of developing an immune
response to cows milk in infants.

I got a lot of flack last month for stating these ideas a few weeks ago
and not having an MD. Lay people can actually be knowlegable about health
issues. It doesn't mean you should accept what I say without doing your
own research, but you shouldn't blindly believe what a doctor tells you
either. Doctors are human and can't read every medical and public health

