Vocalist.org archive

Date:  Wed Sep 20, 2000  3:02 pm
Subject:  Re: [vocalist-temporary] College Ensemble Requirements: Choir vs. Opera

In my opinion, opera chorus is an ensemble, but singing solo opera roles is
not. In an ensemble, you want students to have the experience of making
music in tandem with other musicians. Yes, there are a few duets in opera,
but to my mind, this does not give the singer true ensemble experience. In
a true ensemble, you can't just go your own way; you have to go the way of the
total group.

|\ Dr. Diane M. Clark, Assoc. Prof./Chair of Music Dept., Rhodes College
| 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112, 901-843-3782, dclark@r...
() http://gray.music.rhodes.edu/musichtmls/faculty/dclark.html
