Vocalist.org archive

From:  Tako Oda <toda@m...>
Date:  Wed Sep 13, 2000  5:35 pm
Subject:  OFF: Vegetarianism and Allergies

A severe allergy is the body's *learned* reaction to a previously
encountered (perceived) toxin. A human baby will of course be likely to
reject the non-optimal (for a human, anyway) cow's milk, and learn to
react violently to it in the future.

It's therefore a good idea to avoid ALL potential allergens during a
baby's first year (certain grains, nuts, shellfish, dairy, etc.) because a
baby (esp first 6 months) has an immature digestive system which is meant
for nursing as its primary source of nutrition.

A baby might react badly to goat's milk too - formula would be a better
choice, since the amino acid balance is specifically designed to mimic
mother's milk. Still, there's nothing better than the real thing.
Breastfed babies are much healthier. There has also been a study linking
girlhood breast cancer to girls who were fed formula.

Nestle and other powerful corporations try to undermine a mother's
confidence by implying she might not be able to provide enough milk for
her child. This has had disasterous effects in developing countries, where
babies are fed formula which will of course be made with unsanitary water.
There are probably many babies who have died of diarrhea because of these
evil companies.

OK... Rant over. :-)

