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From:  omigurt@a...
Date:  Thu May 4, 2000  4:44 pm
Subject:  Re: Pierrot Lunaire

I've done excerpts from Pierrot Lunaire, and it's a blast! My suggestions
for learning and performing it: learn it in your ear just as you would a sung
piece but don't sing it that way while you're learning. The challenge is to
glide along, suggesting the sprechstimme pitches but not *singing* them, so
you may confuse your body if you try to sing it like it's a song. But
getting it in your ear *as if* it were a song will help you immensely with
the passages where the pitch is specified.

Once you know the contour of the music, start on the sprechstimme technique
-- a full-throated, supported, heightened speech. I found it felt closest to
siren-type vocalises.

I'd be glad to help with specific questions as you get started. It's really
fun! Enjoy it!

Naomi Gurt Lind
