Vocalist.org archive

From:  Jennifer <ihateegroups@y...>
Jennifer <ihateegroups@y...>
Date:  Mon Apr 30, 2001  5:08 pm
Subject:  Re: Voice Lessons over the summer

> Would that it were really true! But, ohhh--- how
> often I've heard people
> tell me that they judge a voice teacher by the
> abilities of the students.

I think it's kind of arrogant for teachers to "take
credit" for their students' successes. What if the
student had a great voice before they started with the
teacher? Conversely, how does this make teachers who
work with beginners or slow developers look? I think
if anyone is to assign credit (or blame), it should be
the student and the student alone. After all, it is
the student who knows how much the teacher has helped
them. It is also the student who has done the work!

Jennifer, who will happily assign mounds of credit to
her fantastic last teacher, but will give none to
either of the two who taught her prior (both of whom
would have qualified under the eight month rule) - in
fact, I'd be darn ticked if they took credit for how I
turned out!

