Vocalist.org archive

From: john schweinfurth
To: VOCALIST <vocalist>
Subject: Re: False cords ques. for dr. john
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000 23:25:26 EST, VOCALIST wrote:

> the former had a breathy tone when she sang and the latter a fairly
> though wobbly sound. the only similarity to their sounds was a nasality
> similar to that heard in a person with a cleft palette. is this a sound
> goes with false cord involvement or is that coincidental? also, are the
> pitches they sing sometimes affected by the condtition? (why don't i just
> 'how can you tell by listening to them?')
> mike

I can't say with any degree of certainty that the sound you're describing
could not be caused, but in my experience, no, it would be a constricted
sound or strained sound.

Nasality is totally unrelated to the lower vocal tract, by definition.

John M. Schweinfurth, MD
Laryngology and Professional Voice Care
Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
(615) 322-6180

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