Vocalist.org archive

Date sent: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 04:41:54 EST
Subject: Soprano recovering from the flu - many questions
To: vocalist
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>


My question is how does the flu affect the voice, particularly the hacking
cough that comes with it. What DOES coughing actually *do* to the vocal
folds and how can you avoid damaging your voice? How long does it usually
take to fully recover from the flu vocally? How do opera singers take care
of themselves and their voices when they are sick?? Are there any home
remedies for singers with the flu? Is there even a "correct" way for a
vocalist to cough???

I ask because I came down with a miserable flu a week before Christmas and
have done absolutely no singing or vocalizing since. I want to start
vocalizing again since I have an audition to prepare for (really important,
it's for admission for my universities' Vocal program).
