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To: vocalist
Subject: Re: Opera
Date sent: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:25:25 PST
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Alia wrote:

"I'm 18 and just starting to have a real music teacher. I've been bugging
her to let me work on arias only in some anthologies b/c I thought starting
at 18, I was behind everyone else. So it's o.k. not to be singing arias....
Hmmm. Glad she's only let me try out 2 arias (When I am Laid in Earth.... I
love it, but the high notes kill me , we dropped it and Voi che sapete... we
kept it, I like it, I just
>lack emotion and energy when I sing it... so I've been told). I'd like to
>further the ? and ask how long do you work on art songs or other exercises
>before you hit the arias??? Just want to get an average idea. Thanks."

As a young 19 year old tenor who has just been studying voice for a little
over a year, I can say...don't rush!! I was dying to learn some arias,
because I thought, Oh, I should be able to do it. But no...I tried some
arias and they simply didn't work. I figured that I had a lot of time, so I
started making a "wish list", that is arias or other difficult art songs I
would like to work on once I have a little more training and experience.
And of course, as young students we shouldn't rush to do songs that might
not be right for our voices. A lot of art songs are very powerful and
emotional (esp. German lieder) and you can get a good feel for opera through
them. I am starting to learn some simpler arias just now, and I am really
taking it slow. I expect to be working on an aria for several years,
because as my voice develops, I will have to change stuff. I just hope that
you don't rush anything, until it feels right. Work on the Dido aria, but
don't push it. I hope that things go well for you..

