Vocalist.org archive

Date sent: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 09:14:50 EST
Subject: Re: nerves
To: vocalist
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

Well, I am 20... and I have not performed as much as you I don't think. I am
a sophomore in college, and I just had jury not too long ago and got an A.
Of course, my first two semesters I was nervous as hell... This semester was
the forst semester I wasn't nervous, but that was because I knew my music so
confidently. You know, if you go to jury and you know you know your music so
well that there is no one that could possibly take that confiidence away from
you, I think you will get an awesome jury next time... You know though,
those first two semesters I got mostly B's because I was so nervous, I knew
my music... but... it's just that I didn't have the confidence it takes. I
think that having confidence in singing takes time and experiance. This past
jury was the first time I didn't choke, lol. =) I think you will get better
the next jury, because now you know what to expect!

Another college singer with juries too...hehheh

April Dawn Spreeman
Website: http://ntmai

"It's not quantity, but quality"