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To: "VOCALIST" <vocalist>
Subject: Musical Theatre Fachs?
Date sent: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 09:46:32 -0500
Send reply to: VOCALIST <vocalist>

I'm well versed in the opera fach system and very careful about audition choices because of it, but I'm interested in some advice/opinions on auditioning for Musical Theatre. In particular, I'm referring to auditioning for summer programs that ask for both opera and MT excerpts.

I'm a mezzo [spinto-like, lots of height], but since I'm only a "legit" singer, I have always stayed away from "mezzo" Broadway tunes which lie primarily below the staff, and have performed (in concert) the soprano MT rep., which in fact mostly lies in the perfect mezzo range.

So my question is: Will MT people get caught up about Fachs? Can I be a mezzo who sings "soprano" MT rep. since it's obviously perfect for my range (and some, though clearly not all, actually suits me too)? Please note: I'm referring to an audition where I will ALSO be singing mezzo opera

And if this is a no-no, and I should really stick to something clearly "mezzo", what would people suggest? I'd be looking for great audition pieces with the depth to show off real singing skills and that fall into a "real" legit mezzo range.

Thanks! I look forward to your thoughts.

Alleson Aering