Vocalist.org archive

From:  Jessica <JessicaDW@e...>
Date:  Thu Apr 13, 2000  3:44 pm
Subject:  Re:Bulging Disk

Hello Janis, I am an unfortunate expert of sorts on this matter, having
undergone three spine surgeries in my life thus far to repair herniated
disks and the damaged / impinged nerves resulting from them.

Pardon my most basic example, but it works:... The disks between the
vertebrae are like jelly filled donuts. Sometimes pressure builds up and
one of them bulges out a bit, but remains in tact with no jelly leak, and
often over time goes back to its normal state. Sometimes an abrupt, sudden
pressure can cause one of the donuts to burst and the jelly shoots out.
(this is called a herniated disk). If the jelly leaks onto the nerves which
attach to the spine, or if a piece of the donut itself breaks off
(fragments) and affect the nerves, then you have a problem. Nerve
impingement causes great pain, discomfort and all kinds of horrible symptoms
down into the legs. Bulging disks do not cause these serious problems, so
that's GREAT news for you.

What you may not know about bulging disks is that 80% of Americans, if
administered an MRI, would find they have bulging disks. The vast majority
of bulging disks are asymptomatic. Therefore, your bulging disk, though
certainly a part of your present physiology, is not likely the cause of your
pain, and was likely just discovered coincidentally. Your doctor was doing
the MRI to search for herniated disks and nerve root impingement.

You say you "threw your back out", and when you did, you likely strained or
perhaps sprained, some of the muscles (paraspinals, etc.) which support your
back and therefore work as the support system for your entire body. If you
are not having leg symptoms, and your pain is generally localized in your
back, your doctor will probably prescribe physical therapy for back
strengthening and stretching so you can get stronger and support yourself
better. The muscles have been injured, so they hurt right now. Your
Physical therapist will help you find the right pace, but just like any
muscle, it will take some time.

Good Luck! And if you'd like to EMail me privately, I will be happy to help
in any way I can.


on 4/13/00 5:52 AM, vocalist-temporary@egroups.com wrote:
> Hello listers,
> Well I need a little advice from anyone that has had this or even some of you
> doctors, I thought I threw my back out last week, and because the ex-rays
> showed nothing I had an MRI done Monday. It showed a bulging disk. The lowest
> one. I am having a problem with support because it hurts too much to use the
> back muscles and to keep my chest extended.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Janis
